Add color to your boat trip by mixing them with Dominique Devun, local watercolorist. During your anchorage a tender will be available to join the land and introduce or improve your watercolor technique under unique points of view (equipment provided).…

This format is ideal for an after work!. Meet your friends around a swim aperitif after your day of work after a short navigation. Enjoy the sunsets while sailing back, you will see they are breathtaking! TTCPriceContact me€___18h-22h

With a little organization it is possible to plan a special event for a special moment. Whether it's a birthday, a wedding anniversary, a bachelor or bachelorette party or a more specific need whale watching, dolphins or even photo shoot,…

Depending on the weather conditions and the chosen program I give you an appointment for a breakfast / briefing around 09:30 where we will discuss together the safety and good driving aspects on the boat. The return will be around…

Anchorage around Antibes The map shows the surroundings of Antibes, the anchorages shown there are those that can be covered on a day of navigation if the weather conditions are favorable.

Ready for adventure ?

Put your head under water !

….just… Relax !